A Center for the Arts
Board of Directors
September 25, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:34 PM
Members present: Chris Werkau, Kathy Wagnild, Kaele Peterson, Rob Rogholt, Desta Hunt, Wally Warhol, Julie Gutzmer, Jolene Osander
Members absent: Kurt Nygaard, Kendra Olson, Jeff Stanislawski Also present: Michael Burgraff
- July minutes approved (M, Desta; 2nd, Rob)
Treasurer’s Report
- All looks well. January will be slow for cash, as always. Filed for audit.
Executive Director’s Report
- Discussed gas line insurance (See Action Items)
- Bakken Building lease is up soon. We pay half the heat and utilities plus $10/year rent. We also get the rent from the tenants.
- Deuces Wild made money.
Committee Reports
• Executive Committee: (meets the third Tuesday at 8:30 AM)
- Discussed scheduling of the two employees to avoid overtime.
- Discussed using an outside group to help with audio and lights at shows.
- Wally talked to Bonnie Denzel about transferring funds to the Foundation.
• Finance Committee: no meeting
- Building and Grounds: did not meet (meetings are quarterly)
- Fundraising: no meeting
- Development: no meeting
- Programming for Youth and the Community:
- Summer Musical: no report
- Youth theater: no report
- Membership/Friends Task Force: No meeting
Old Business
- Staff handbook: (See Action Items)
- Discussion of board going to quarterly meetings (See Action Items)
Information Only None
New Business
- Conversation about funding an HAS account for Becky in lieu of insurance. Decision will be made at the October meeting.
- None
Action Items
- The board agrees to accept the Staff Handbook as amended. (M, Kaele; 2nd, Rob)
- The board agreed to file the information about gas line insurance until next year, when they will revisit the option. (M, Desta, 2nd, Rob)
- The board agrees to switch from monthly meetings to quarterly meetings, effective as of the October meeting. Meetings will be held in October, January, April and July on the fourth Tuesday at 5:45. There will be a secure and effective way to electronically communicate between meetings which will be put in place as soon as possible. (M, Kathy; 2nd, Desta)
- The Executive Committee will get the committees in order and will give direction at the October meeting.
Next meetings: January 22, April 23, July 23, October 22 Meeting adjourned at 7:35
Respectfully submitted on October 23, 2018, by Kathy Wagnild