A Center for the Arts
Board of Directors
October 23, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:30 PM
Members present: Chris Werkau, Kathy Wagnild, Kaele Peterson, Rob Rogholt, Wally Warhol, Kendra Olson, Julie Gutzmer, Jolene Osander
Members absent: Kurt Nygaard, Desta Hunt, Jeff Stanislawski
Also present: Michael Burgraff
- September minutes tabled until January
Treasurer’s Report
- All looks well. Filed for audit.
Executive Director’s Report
- See agenda for topics discussed. Highlights include:
- Over the River Downtown event will take place on December 1st. Helpers are needed for Dance and Dessert.
Committee Reports
• Executive Committee: (meets the third Tuesday at 8:30 AM) no meeting
• Finance Committee: no meeting
- Building and Grounds: did not meet (meetings are quarterly)
- Fundraising: no meeting
- Development: no meeting
- Programming for Youth and the Community:
- Summer Musical: no report
- Youth theater: no report
- Membership/Friends Task Force: No meeting
Old Business
- Discussion about HAS for Becky Sonmor (see action items)
- Board decision to go to quarterly meetings (was resolved at September meeting)
- Committees (no discussion)
Information Only
- None
New Business
- None
- Board discussed writing a letter to the City about Twin Oaks being required to vacate the space in the Bakken Building.
Action Items
- The board agrees to amend the terms of Becky Sonmor’s employment to include, in lieu of a healthcare insurance package, an option to choose payment toward a Health Savings Account (HSA) at an amount not to exceed $300/month, to take effect in January, 2019. (M, Kendra; 2nd, Kathy: unanimously approved)
Next meetings: January 22, April 23, July 23, October 22
Meeting adjourned at 7:35
Respectfully submitted on November 2, 2018, by Kathy Wagnild
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